About the Study
Who runs this study?
- The study is run by the Salivary Disorders Unit, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
- The Principal Investigator of this study is Blake M. Warner, DDS, PhD, MPH
What is this study about?
The purpose of this research is to study if the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19 is present in saliva. This information will help us to understand the transmission of the virus among people.
What kind of commitment is involved?
During this study, all testing and questionnaires will be done in an outpatient setting. This includes telephone calls, electronic consent process, and drive-up assessments and specimen collection. For evaluation and specimen collection you will remain in your car and roll down your window. If you walk-up, these procedures will be performed at a table in the drive-up Testing Center. A NIH clinical staff member will obtain specimens and data for this protocol at your car or in-person. You will be asked to come to the NIH for drive-up assessments for 2 (and up to 5) visits based on your COVID-19 results and your symptoms. Your participation may be up to 28 days.
How can I ask questions or ask for help?
- Eileen Pelayo, RN eileen.pelayo@nih.gov 301-594-3097
- Blake Warner, DDS blake.warner@nih.gov 301-500-8063
- Margaret Beach, PA margaret.beach@nih.gov